Our articles and feedbacks on IS Architecture, Data and DevOps

The architecture of information systems (IS) has never been as important as it is today. Closely linked to business success, you must know how to place the cursor between business needs, innovation, security and performance. In this category, find all the articles, feedbacks and advices from our astronauts about Data architecture, DevOps practices and tools, IS and web architecture as well as tutorials for setting up step-by-step your own architecture. Good reading!

All our articles about the latest trends in architecture and DevOps

Introduction to Gitlab CI/CD

Introduction to Gitlab CI/CD

This article presents some of the possibilities that GitLab CI/CD offers. You will find on the Codelabs platform two tutorials linked to this article, which will show you two use cases.

CQRS Pattern

CQRS Pattern

CQRS, which means _Command_ _Query Responsibility Segregation_, comes from CQS (_Command Query Separation_) introduced by Bertrand Meyer in _Object Oriented Software Construction_. Meyer states that every method should be either a _query_ or a _command_.

What's the most important thing DevOps helps us achieve?

The most important thing that DevOps helps us achieve is collaboration and continuous integration between development and operations teams. By fostering a culture of collaboration and by automating processes, DevOps helps eliminate organizational silos, accelerate application deployment and improve responsiveness to change. Ultimately, it helps create an environment where development and operations work together, facilitating a faster, more reliable, and more efficient delivery of software, while promoting continuous innovation and performance optimization.

Learn more about our DevOps expertise